Trisha Robinson, MA, LPC

Trisha Robinson, MA, LPC

Trisha Robinson is a Therapeutic Placement Consultant who works with survivors of trauma, mental illness and addiction to provide a bridge to hope and healing. 

Trisha believes that healing is achieved through creating an effective treatment plan that can allow the individual to experience joy and connection within relationships. Trisha’s goal is to meet with people as they are; partnering with them on their unique journey towards a healthy and joyful life. Her specialty area of interest is helping adolescents and young adults heal and recover from unhealthy relationships. It is her passion to work with individuals and families who are ready to begin healing from past emotional hurts and begin the journey of true individuality. The teen years can be difficult and full of transitions, during these years the parent child relationship can be strained. It’s Trisha’s passion to provide therapeutic support through life coaching to preserve this relationship through effective parent child communication. 

Trisha has a Masters Degree in Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor, certified by the National Board of Certified Counselors. She is trained in both EMDR and Brainspotting. Trisha has 10 years of experience in working with those with trauma and attachment disorders. Trisha owned and operated a busy private practice focused on work with children, adolescents and young adults struggling with trauma related to abuse and neglect. Trisha’s professional experience also includes work within a residential treatment center specializing in the treatment of adolescents with complex developmental trauma. Trisha has experience facilitating individual, family and group therapy modalities. 

To charge her batteries, Trisha enjoys spending time boating and being outdoors on the Lake of the Ozarks with her husband of 20 years, her 14 year old daughter and her two dogs. Trisha enjoys camping, hiking, kayaking and soaking in all that nature has to offer. Another passion of Trisha’s is traveling for exposure to culture and diversity to expand her knowledge and understanding of humankind.
